Apex Athlete Series does not currently support Goalkeeper specific metrics such as dive count or intensity or have benchmark data for this position. However, the following Apex Athlete Series metrics can be used by goalkeepers for conditioning and certain performance aspects:
Any goalkeeper looking to fulfil their potential must make several explosive movements in training and game-days. Short, sharp bursts of acceleration are key to a keeper’s game – whether coming off their line to block a shot, make a clearance or getting up quickly off the ground to make a secondary save. It’s imperative to monitor these accelerations and decelerations over the course of a season to prepare your body for optimum match intensity levels, and, mostly importantly, avoid injury. Goalkeepers most commonly tend to suffer injuries to their lower extremities – particularly to the ankle. Monitor your accels and decels to make sure they don’t spike or vary greatly between sessions.
In modern football, this is a common matchday scenario and whether you’re fast enough to get there first can be the difference between winning and losing the game. By monitoring your max speed and applying acceleration drills to your training routine, you can improve your top line speed by over 2.3%. The faster and sharper you are over short distances, the higher the line your team can play.
Other useful articles: What metrics does the Tracker measure? – STATSports Athlete Series