The app tracks 16 metrics across three key areas of volume, speed and cardio (the app is currently only available in English language).
Accelerations & Decelerations – A simple count of how many times you accelerated over 3m/s². Think of those short sharp explosive bursts to beat your opponent to the ball or quickly putting on the brakes to change direction.
Average Heart Rate – This is the average heart rate score throughout your session, recorded in Beats per Min (BPM).
Average Pace (available for running sessions only)- Average pace per kilometre over the duration of your run. This is in MM:SS/KM for example 05:35/KM.
Calories – A count of total calories burned during your session.
Current Heart Rate (Only available on live workout) – This is your current heart rate in beats per minute (BPM).
Current Speed (Only available on live workout) – Speed you are currently running at in m/s, km/h or mph dependent on your settings.
Distance per Minute – This is the distance you covered, divided by the duration of your session. A high value here indicates a high work rate throughout your session.
HSR (High Speed Running) – This is the distance that you have covered over 5.5m/s (19.8km/h). Measured in meters or yards, the HSR distance tracks all those lung bursting runs, overlaps on the wings or tracking back to help your teammates. Pro players can tally upwards of 1,100 meters during a game depending on tactics and position played.
High Intensity Distance – We developed a metric just for all those hard yards you put in during a session! This is a combination of all your HSR distance, and your distance covered while accelerating and decelerating. Pro players can cover 2,000 – 2,800 metres of HMLD in a game depending on tactics and position played.
Intensity - Intensity measures the amount of high intensity distance covered during a session compared to the total distance covered during a session.
Intensity Bands:
- >/= 30% is V. High
- 24-29.999% is High
- 18-23.999% is Moderate
- 12-17.999% is Low
- 0-11.999% is V. Low
Max Heart Rate – Pair a BLE or Magnetic monitor to capture heart rate data. Your max HR score indicates the highest value recorded during your session.
Max speed – A single score of your maximum speed reached throughout the session. This can be measured in m/s, mph or km/h.
Pro Score - By collecting data from your synced sessions, STATSports create your individualised Pro Score. All of our Brand Ambassadors have their own Pro Score, allowing you to compare yourself to the Pros. The Pro Score will be locked until you have synced 10 sessions.
Your Pro Score will be calculated using your best 8 sessions from your last 20 sessions completed. This allows you to see how your performance evolves throughout your career and how you Pro Score changes based on your most recent outputs.
Sprints – A count of how many sprints you achieved throughout your session. Your sprint threshold can be increased or decreased via the ‘Configure Apex’ option located in the main menu. You must hold this speed or above for 1 second to register a sprint. The location of your Sprints can be seen in the Mapping section.
Strain – Our Strain metric refers to the amount of external stress placed on your body during a given training or game.
Strain can be placed on your body through step impacts during running and other game or training related activities, and as you tire your step impacts can become larger placing extra stress on your body resulting in a higher Strain value. Running style, weight and session type can all affect this score.
Strain is a personalised metric to you which shows your individual response to a session. We build your profile during all sessions completed and provide an insight of the Strain placed on your body for each session completed.
You must complete 7 sessions to unlock your personalised Strain metric. Only sessions over a duration of 20 mins will be used to calculate strain.
Strain bands =
Step Balance – An excellent metric that can pick up on any imbalance in your running style. Ideally, we would like to see a 50:50 breakdown here but slight deviations +/- 2 may be normal for you. Large differences or sudden changes between right and left may be an indicator of a potential or historical injury.
Time in Red Zone – This indicates the time you spent at 85% or above of your Max HR value. Recorded in HH:MM:SS
Total Distance - A key measure of the volume of your session. Pro players typically cover between 7km – 11km during a game depending on their position. Make sure to edit your session start time / end time for the most accurate readings.